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all god’ s chillun got wings
所有上帝的烟斗都有翅膀  detail>>
all the god’s children got wings
上帝的儿女都有翅膀  detail>>
holmium  detail>>
how the bat got its wings
蝙蝠翅膀的由来  detail>> the bat got its wings
蝙蝠翅膀的由来  detail>>
all i’ve got
我所拥有的  detail>>
all the passengers got on board in the
及时“  detail>>
got all in a panic
惊恐万分  detail>>
got out of bed at all
想知道为何辗转难眠  detail>>
you got it all
你得到了一切 你的所有  detail>>
you’ve got it all
你巳拥有我全部  detail>>
all arm of god
全副军装  detail>>
all for the winner;god of gamblers
赌圣  detail>>
all the time they pray to god
所有时间是祈祷  detail>>
how the crow got a gift from god
乌鸦是如何从上帝那里要到礼移  detail>>
all i got was a sore foot
白忙活  detail>>
all that i got(the make usong)
全心全意  detail>>
all you got to do is call
所有你要做的是呼吁  detail>>